He was born September 18, 1945 in Kyustendil. He graduated from the Art Academy in Sofia in 1975, specialty "Applied Graphics" with prof. Alexander Poplilov.
He lives in Plovdiv and since 1987 he has been a Member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists and the Society of Plovdiv and Artists. Since 1976 he has participated in general national and international exhibitions.
He has been an organizer and consultant for more than 35 municipal international workshops in Plovdiv. Matthew Mateev organized the first private workshop in 1990, by the assistance of the company "Nespo", Plovdiv and 1998 - workshops with gallery "Baratz", Plovdiv. Since 2004 he has been the chairman of the Board of the oldest community center "Renascence" in Plovdiv. He is also a member of the Rotary Club "Plovdiv - Puldin." and a founder of the first International Symposium on painting "Plovdiv created by the artist " of the Rotary club in 2013 . In 2015 he was awarded with the honorary title "follower of National Revival". From April 2016 he has been a member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
1983 - Gallery St. "Gladstone", Plovdiv.
1987 - Old Town of Plovdiv.
1989 - Old Town of Plovdiv.
1990 - Old Town of Plovdiv.
1991 - Old Town of Plovdiv.
1991 - City Gallery, Luleå, Sweden.
1993 - Gallery "Old", Plovdiv.
1994 - Gallery "Serafino", Ravenna, Italy.
1995 - Gallery "Old", Plovdiv.
1995 - Society of Architects in Sofia.
1995 - Cultural Centre, Bratislava, Slovakia.
1996 - Cultural Center, Budapest, Hungary.
1996 - Gallery "Dyakov", Plovdiv.
1996 - Cultural Centre, Bratislava, Slovakia.
1997 - DHG, Kyustendil.
1997 - Cultural Center, Vienna, Austria.
1998 - Alliance Francaise, Plovdiv.
1998 - Gallery "Dyakov", Plovdiv.
1999 - Modern center of Koblenz, Germany.
1999 - Embassy of Ghana in Sofia.
2001 - Gallery "Renaissance", Plovdiv.
2002 - House of Humour and Satire, Gabrovo.
2002 - Gallery "Romfea", Plovdiv.
2003 - Malaga, Spain.
2004 - Gallery "Bulgaria Hall" in Sofia.
2005 - Art Gallery, Plovdiv.
2005 - Gallery "Truck art", Plovdiv.
2007 - Gallery "Renaissance", Plovdiv.
2009 - Art Gallery, Ruse.
2010 - Austria.
2011 - Art Gallery, Bourgas.
2011 - Gallery "Renaissance", Plovdiv.
2012 - Austria.
2011 - Art Gallery, Veliko Tarnovo.
2013 - Gallery "Renaissance", Plovdiv.
2013 - Gallery "Icarus", Sofia
2014 - Gallery "Renaissance", Plovdiv.
2015 - Gallery "Renaissance", Plovdiv.
2015 - Regional Exhibition "Struma", Kyustendil.
1983 г. – Галерия ул. „Гладстон“, Пловдив.
1987 г. – Стария Град, Пловдив.
1989 г. – Стария Град, Пловдив.
1990 г. – Стария Град, Пловдив.
1991 г. – Стария Град, Пловдив.
1991 г. – Градска галерия, Люлео, Швеция.
1993 г. – Галерия „Старинна“, Пловдив.
1994 г. – Галерия „Серафино“, Равена, Италия.
1995 г. – Галерия „Старинна“, Пловдив.
1995 г. – Дружество на архитектите, София.
1995 г. – Културен център, Братислава, Словакия.
1996 г. – Културен център, Будапеща, Унгария.
1996 г. – Галерия „Дяков“, Пловдив.
1996 г. – Културен център, Братислава, Словакия.
1997 г. – ДХГ, Кюстендил.
1997 г. – Културен център, Виена, Австрия.
1998 г. – Алианс Франсез, Пловдив.
1998 г. – Галерия „Дяков“, Пловдив.
1999 г. – Модерен център, Кобленц, Германия.
1999 г. – Посолство на Гана, София.
2001 г. – Галерия „Възраждане“, Пловдив.
2002 г. – Дом на хумора и сатирата, Габрово.
2002 г. – Галерия „Ромфея“, Пловдив.
2003 г. – Малага, Испания.
2004 г. – Галерия „Зала България“, София.
2005 г. – ГХГ, Пловдив.
2005 г. – Галерия „Трак-арт“, Пловдив.
2007 г. – Галерия „Възраждане“, Пловдив.
2009 г. – ГХГ, Русе.
2010 г. – Австрия.
2011 г. – ГХГ, Бургас.
2011 г. – Галерия „Възраждане“, Пловдив.
2012 г. – Австрия.
2011 г. – ГХГ, Велико Търново.
2013 г. – Галерия „Възраждане“, Пловдив.
2013 г. – Галерия „Икар“, София
2014 г. – Галерия „Възраждане“, Пловдив.
2015 г. – Галерия „Възраждане“, Пловдив.
2015 г. – Регионална изложба „Струма“, Кюстендил.
I-st private workshop, the company "Nespo", Plovdiv - organizer, 1990
Bat, Yugoslavia - Participant, 1991
"St. Luka", Kyustendil - Participant, 1993
Gallery "Baratsi" Pamporovo, Organizer, 1999
Dam "Batak", Medical University, Plovdiv - organizer, 2000
Village Gela ,International Plovdiv Fair - organizer, 2000
Gallery "Baratsi" Golden Sands - organizer, 2001
Pirgovo village, municipality of Ivanovo - Participant, 2001
Ohrid, Macedonia - participant 2001
Dam "Batak" Rosa Impex, Plovdiv - organizer, 2002
Dam "Batak", Ministry of, agriculture - organizer, 2003
"St. Luka", Kyustendil - Participant, 2004 Municipality Provadia - Participant, 2004
Krapets, Shabla municipality, participant with an exhibition gallery "Seasons", Sofia, 2005
Village Belashtitsa gallery "Renaissance" and "Nordiks" - participant in 2006
Smolyan, "Saedinenie" - organizer, 2006
Company "Saedinenie" Smolyan - organizer, 2007
Since 1980 he has organized, advised and participated in all municipal workshops in Plovdiv.
Since 1976 he has participated in numerous national and international exhibitions in, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Germany, Israel and others.
2012 - general exhibition "On the way to the sun with friends" - Burgas, Plovdiv, Sofia, Kyustendil.
2013 - generl exhibition "Garden" - Sofia, Plovdiv.
2013 - general exhibition "Garden" - Sofia, Plovdiv.
2014 - general exhibition "Garden" - Vienna.
2015 - overall national exhibition of UBA - Sofia.
2001 - I-st prize for painting "Struma".
2002 - Award for painting the Society of Plovdiv artists.
2005 - Award "Plovdiv" for painting.
2005 - Award "Paul Harris" of Rotary International.
2007 - Award "Silver Renaissance" gallery "Revival", Plovdiv.
2010 - Grand Prize "Oskar Kokoschka" for painting, Austria.